Tsukiji Fish Market

Do u know Tokyo Metropolitan Central Wholesale Market? It is also knwn as Tsukiji Fish Market

This famous market is worth a visit for 1600 stalls of bizarre sea creatures, including large blue fin tuna, live shell fish, deep sea crabs, eels and salmon.
Of course the highlight of this market is a TUNA AUCTION!!

Last Sunday I went there in the early morning to see Tuna Auction. Usually it starts from 5:00 and ends up 6:15, so I caught the first train of the day rubbing my drowsy eyes and arrived at 5:30.

There are a number of wholesalers and foreign visitors in the place of Tuna Auction.


TUNA!! so big and looks so delicious!!

I am so exited to see it, and of course we had much appetite to eat TUNA!
In Tsukiji Market, there are so many SUSHI restaurant where you can eat fresh fish from the early morning. The sushi we ate there was incredibly tasty!

If you go to Tsukiji Market and see Tuna Auction, We strongly recommend you to go before 5:30. We also have Tsukiji tour which starts at 5am from your hotel.

see you. SAYONARA:)